

Welfare Organization 您的位置:首页  >  Welfare Organization  >  Grant object

In this foundation the support public welfare organization refers to cultural, environmental protection and endowment three units in the field of public welfare undertakings and social organizations.

Among them, the public welfare institution refers to by the government or social forces for the development of social public welfare undertakings, and set up specialized is engaged in public welfare undertakings in the units of work. Directly or indirectly, for economic activity, social activities and living service departments, enterprises, such as public schools, nursing homes, etc.

Social organization is a legal, non-governmental, non-profit, and non-partisan, non-members of the organization's, independent management of the nature of folk voluntary social intermediary organizations, not the profit maximization as a priority, and the social public welfare undertakings as the main goal of social organization



安徽基金会,安徽华夏基金会,安徽创业基金会,安徽中小企业孵化,安徽华夏产业创新发展基金会 © 2015-2019 www.ahhxjjh.com 安徽华夏产业创新发展基金会 版权所有 皖ICP备16020114号-1 设计制作:安徽美庆